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Activate Your Higher Mind for Success


Awaken your higher mind to success is all about the actual existence of the Superconscious mind whence all inspirational thoughts originate and beyond to the mind of God. God exists here then merges with the conscious mind to create all sorts of new things. Beauty, peace, new ideas, better productivity, success and prosperity in the real world, for the betterment of the holder of these thoughts from Spirit to Humanity in all of it’s glorious colors, and creeds, and Religions. We are one in the Universal Scheme of things on earth and in Heaven. I would like to share this video to everyone willing to listen, and meditate, and pray for a better and more beautiful world to come. Peace after chaos must happen. Selah

To Brother Jerome Wanichek

To Brother Jerome Wanichek.
My Spiritual Brother has gone home to be with our Father in Heaven. I too shall follow one day and look forward to seeing him again.
Jerome and I worked together on many trips, driving 18-wheelers and other sized trucks, over several states together. We would have some of the best and most in-depth conversations about Life, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and our fight to survive this world.

Our time together did wonders for him and I. I know my Buddy is having a wonderful time now, shifting those gears and looking at the world thru that big wide TV-set on his dashboard. That big screen windshield where the sights are endless on Heaven’s highways. Ride on Brother. You are now free to fly.
And also, when you see our lord Jesus, tell him that I say ” thank you for the faith and grace”, otherwise you and I would not have had the blessings of knowing from within, that our Mansions would be prepared in our Father’s house, and waiting for us to return home. I Love you Brother Jerome. 10-4 over and out, so long for now Mr. Truck Driver. I’ll see you again one fine day on Heaven’s Highway. Can you hear the music? Selah

Causes of Violence / Solutions. Part 3


1. Parents need to take the responsible role of the leader to their children. The chain of command should be established inside your heart and mind even before the child is born. Curfews should be imposed early in their lives. Corporal punishment should be meted out. Corporal punishment with love, not hate for the child. No broken bones or overt bruises should be seen. A light spanking on the buttocks or thigh is sufficient. At this same time you should be in a calm state of mind and talk to your child, explain why you are spanking them, and what they can do correctly to keep from getting anymore spankings. Communicate with your child at all times, You are the parent, not their best-friend till they are grown children themselves. You must remain steadfast and responsible for that child. It takes a long time for these rules to become established permanently in their minds. By the time the child is 5-years old their mind-set and emotional states of mind has already been hard-wired into their psyche. After 5-years old, if you have not pre-corrected the child, all is in vain from this point on. You and the child lose out on life. All parents must teach their young how to be future parents. Get it?


2.  A baby starts learning before they are born. Their spirit is already there at the point of conception. Start educating that little soul while it is still in the womb. You see, the human body is not sound proof. The unborn child can hear everything that you say and things that others say around you. Before the baby is born it already knows who the parents are and also the other relatives. It heard you mouth these words and the banter back and forth from others. The child knows who it can throw tantrums with, to get what it wants, and knows who it cannot manipulate. It can tell by the loudness, intensity, softness, and various other factors who every player is around you. You see all of these dynamics are heard thru the developing ears, received by the cellular structure that is connected to your sensory nerve cells and transported to the brain and recorded there. Once the child is born, then you see the reactions of the child, a great big smile upon seeing you for the first time. This view actually blows the child’s mind. It already knows who you are, now you need to get to know your baby. Teach your children well.


3. Kids, obey your parents, love them, respect them, yes sir/yes ma’am, no sir/no ma’am, is not out of style. People play around with this law and think that it is cool, it is not cool. Get serious. Even a child is held accountable under spiritual law to obey their parents. Who else has the responsibility to teach, feed, raise, clothe, educate you before even Kindergarten? Your parents. Respect goes both ways here also. Obey your parents, if you desire that your life be a prosperous and joyful one in the future. There are laws that began when the earth and heavens was created, then humans, as to how we should act in regard to spiritual law. We cannot change these laws. God did it, and that’s that! If we try to change the message we are in direct breech of the laws that hold everything in place, even the laws of mankind. You see kids, you are the embodiment of spirit. You are spirit, born in a house of flesh and blood. Simple stuff here, no complicated mathematics at all.


4. Don’t depend on your Government for hand-outs! You will eventually not have a life of your own, you will not be free. Whenever the Government offers you a free hand-out, expect them to take away something of equal or greater value from you. The problem with this action is YOU yourself may become entrenched in mind to depend on this hand-out and not even try to work yourself up out of this type of self enslavement. You become complacent and lazy, not even try to better your own condition. Your own sense of self disappears into nothing ness. Your home, family, car, and everything that you thought that you could do positively for yourself has been lost. Then you become apathetic, give up hope. Then finally death of a sentient soul becomes dead. If you are spiritually dead, you may as well be physically dead as well. You have no self-worth left. You are now living at the animalistic level inside of a cell, with total personal freedom lost. You are done. No one wants you walking around scaring people, robbing and killing to feed your own face. The downfall of mankind rests in our hands. We as humans exist at a higher level of vibrations on this earth. Above everything that creeps, craws, swims, slither, fly or wiggle on this earth. Set yourself free, by self control, ethics, self dependability, work ethics, right education, perseverance and integrity. No more violence will be allowed inside this heart and mind, because you will have proved yourself worthy to God and Mankind.


5. Remember: Educate your minds. Separate yourself from negative vibrations to positive vibrations. Develop moral and spiritual values within yourself by loving yourself, then pass it on.


6. Stop competing with each other to the point of anger, resentment, and loss of personal character. Vague and vain things are not worth it. Hopefully my readers know what these things mean, otherwise we lose, because we fail to learn words and how these selfsame words can heal or destroy, according to the vibrational frequencies or tone. Learn to co-operate and develop unity and grow strong as two very real people merging into ONE. Don’t tear at each other, and snap at each other or wish each other bad things. Set an example for your kids. If you need to relearn how to do this, then get a book or go to school and learn on your own, how to behave accordingly. All is not lost, it just seems that way. Evil can confuse and strangulate the heart and mind if you allow it. If not the evil has to depart from you and dissipate into nothingness. You have the power to control yourself. That power is already inside you. Just go inside and find yourself. There you will find the Creator. You and the Creator shares the same spirit. Salvation is yours, but you have to work at it and for it. It is not an easy game. Blame the player not the game.


7. God loves you too. Get your act together. Stop trying to destroy yourself and the world. Work toward unity and help recreate the world. We already as a human species on this earth are tired of the destruction. Too many good people are doing the evil one’s work under his guidance. Your are losing your freedom and lives for nothing. If you do good things you spiritually rise to a higher plane of life and light. If you do bad things you lower yourself down to a lower plane of darkness and death. If you cannot find good help on earth go to the creator of us all inside your heart and mind, on your own, by yourself, and God will send you someone or something according to his will to help you personally. Take back your dignity, your self respect, your sense of care. Create within yourself good things. Humankind on earth are and always be the caretakers of this earth and it’s inhabitants. You see God’s plans will be worked out regardless of what you say and do, because you cannot hurt the Spirit that is God. You only hurt yourself in the end, on earth as well as in Hell. Our Creator is Infinite. The beginning and the end. Even if Heaven and Earth should pass away, his word will still stand.


8. Lovology is not a Religion. It is a Concept that deals with life, utilizing ancient wisdom and new knowledge. I only believe in GOD. My Spirit is simple and free.


9. This Creator God, still loves each and everyone of us, but he/she cannot come in unless you let him/her come in. He/she will not force you to do anything, because of the faith and grace thing. You are born a free agent, no one actually owns you, are ever will. It just seems that way because you allowed this to happen to you. Somewhere in your past you consciously or subconsciously made a bad decision that may cost you your freedom and your life at your own hands. You must take right responsibility of yourself to live and stay free on this earth. Work toward peace and real reality. Pull yourself up out of the dirt and garbage, stop trashing your own neighborhood, and start cleaning up your personal act right now and everything around you will slowly start to change for the better, because you WILLED it into existence, and so shall it be. These lessons are for constructive criticism and positivity. Not designed to make anyone angry, but to make you face yourself and live a prosperous and abundant life however you choose. I hope with all my heart and mind that you can handle the seriousness of my work/messages for us all. God gave this Lovology thing to me, for my peace of mind and to share my most personal thoughts and feelings with the world. Those with eyes, let them see. Those with ears, let the hear. And so be it.  Peace and love to all mankind. Dr. BG Love, DD., Ph.D.




AGAPE (Spiritual Love)

Agape, is a Greek word for Spiritual Love. The highest form of love, especially for brotherly love, charity, the love of God for mankind and of mankind for God, as well as each other. No divisions in regard to race, religion, color, creed, or any other group. We are one, with the atomic energy of the universe and beyond. We breathe the same air, drink the same water, eat the same food, bleed the same blood. Everything in existence consists of and is the same cells and using the same DNA in different forms. Don’t let a virtual world confuse you, there is a real world still in existence and always will, by decree of Spiritual Law and it’s statutes.

Without this Agape (spiritual Love) you would see abject chaos rein supreme. Proceeded by Complacency, Apathy and Death, in that order, in all of it’s inglorious forms. Using any type of weapon to kill, maim, mutilate and degrade indiscriminately with malice. This type of behavior shows to you, outwardly, that Agape is not with that person, is totally missing from that heart and mind. Therefore whomever commits these types of offences is Spiritually dead. Thusly you may as well be physically dead as well. You have rendered yourself useless to God and Mankind, with your will or power of your own perverted mind.

Therefore, do good things of every kind, love your neighbor as you would love yourself. Hopefully you do love yourself, if not, all is desolation. You lose out on the positive procreativity of life itself in a bad way.

God is Agape. We live in the Spirit of love even though we at times do not allow this love to manifest itself inside of us and grow and shine like a diamond. This Agape comes from the Alpha and the Omega. You my friend will not lose out on life or anything, regardless of how the world treats you, you will still stand. You may suffer some bumps and bruises, and band aids all over your physical body, but you will still stand. Spiritual Law.

Bottom line: do good to each other, and may each other receive your goodness and passes it on. Develop a mind-set for procreative goodness and creativity, not a mind-set for abject destruction and hate. The choice is yours to make right now, while you are in the flow of words, sitting quietly by yourself and meditating upon these words of good news. All you have to do is “change your mind,” that’s all. Go forth with Agape-Love in your heart and mind and live a spirit filled life. Make our creator smile upon you and your new found glory, while you are still a human being looking toward the Heavens for a better you, and a better life and spiritual salvation.

Peace unto you, and remember, that Evil has no power over you, unless you let it in. Don’t do that!!!!!!!!!

Who are we, What are we?

Who Is God?
God is Spirit.
What is Spirit?
The Vital Principal and Animating Force, believed to exist in all living things, animate and inanimate.
Who Are We?
The bearers of the Vital Principal and Animating Force, permeating our Hearts, Minds and Emotions, the total physicality of the Body itself .
What is the physical body?
The house of flesh and blood, that the Spirit lives in. This is the first house. The house of flesh and blood lives in a house of brick and stone and wood. This is the second house. Therefore we live in two different houses. Both are essential to health and safety, mobility, and personal ownership.
Get to know that the owner of the first house is looking out at the world through it’s eyes, which are windows of flesh and blood. The real owner of both houses are invisible, which is the Spirit, which is you, you see?
Get to know these simple words, and get to know yourself. The Heart, Mind and Emotions are the higher aspects of our inner beingness. All three needs special attention and treatments. The God inside of us can treat all three, if you allow this to be so. The Physicians in the outer world can also help you too, since they are extensions to the powers that be, emanating from the first original Physician, powers given to them to assist us in our sicknesses.
Get to know yourself, and you will become more fully aware of your heritage to everlasting life through our Holy Spirit, the Teacher of all things and our Comforter during our days on this earth and beyond. The Teacher and Comforter is here, on earth. The Teacher is working in our classrooms of the world, and thru Mommy and Daddy teaching and raising us to survive this world. The Comforter is working thru the Doctors, the Nurses, EMTs, Ministers, and Mommy and Daddy whenever you are sick and has an injury, they bandage you up, rub you down, say good things to you, and hold you oh so tightly when you bump your head and you are crying. Feels good doesn’t it?
Humans are the only creatures that are Conscious of the fact of being Conscious. You have a higher mind already waiting for you to educate and see the light. Light is knowledge. Darkness is a lack of knowledge. We are all heirs to the Kingdom of many Mansions. At some point in eternity the Chosen Few will survive this earth, although the majority will perish for lack of Wisdom, and other Devilish evils. This world is only a school of “hard knocks” that you have to achieve higher grades of right education in your mind and graduate from, with honors, to everlasting life. At some point I believe, that we humans of flesh and blood, will achieve eternal life, and walk amongst the stars, in the flesh, and in Astral Form. We have an inheritance of life beyond this life that is awesome. Our very existence, as humans, moving about and creating all sorts of things that no other creature on earth can do, points us toward a real origin of our realities and automatically shows us that there is a Creator and His Creations. Look inside and have the faith of a Mustard seed. A Mustard seed is extremely small, but plant it in the ground a watch that little seed grow into something extraordinarily larger than imagined. You can do this too. Plant yourself in the Lord and trust in yourself to overcome all obstacles and grow into something awesome, you are wonderfully and fearfully made.  God cannot lie. He said it, and that’s that!
Just have the faith of a mustard seed, and believe in the ONE that died for us all. In the end you will reach that higher plateau of your mind and beingness, and your name will be written down in the Book Of Life. We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. One day we will all have a choice to walk among the Angels, and see our Creator Personally. I myself, would consider that an Awesome Miracle. True Miracles are acts of LOVE. God IS LOVE.
Human! Make a choice!
The choice is yours, choose wisely.


Exploring Inner Space, the Final Frontier of Human Consciousness. Get to know who you really are, by asking: Who, What, Where, When, Why,  and sometimes How.

“Who Am I” and “What Am I” as opposed to “I Know Who I Am”, according to Immutable Spiritual and Universal Laws, coupled with Mystical insight, and etc.

To Meta-Teach, Counsel, Educate, and help heal the Chosen Few, via Heart and Mind absorption. Hands on Healing utilizing physical therapies, tempered with Science and Holistic and Spiritual Modalities according to each individual from the collective consciousness of the Word of all creation.

In our world today, Love is missing, and only a few is talking (praying) and listening (meditating) upon God’s Precepts and Statutes. Our way (Carnal Mind) leads to destruction, whereas God’s way (righteous mind) leads to a Devine nature and Truth and Salvation.

We are not here by accident, there is a reason for us being here, to take Dominion of ourselves and the earth. To love, to take care of, to keep ourselves safe, to be positively responsible, according to the laws of the All and All. We can all live in harmony on this planet. There is plenty of room on earth for all of us. I have traveled 45-states in the USA, plus Canada and South America. I have seen this space in these travels. There is more in other parts of the world. The world is larger than you can imagine. We are just thinking with small minds. Get out and about and explore this planet, you will be surprised at what you will discover on your own that this world is full of wonderment and natural beauty. Evil will trap you into living inside of a small box inside your mind. Break out of the box and live as free human beings on you own, but you will not be alone. Don’t be fooled by negative and divisive language from any tongue, or small minds that spews hate and confusion. Get to know who you really are, and live your own life according to Spiritual and Universal Laws of our Creator and Benefactor. Save yourself!

To Brother Stanley

Hello Brother Stanley,

I apologize for being slow in sending you these Blessed words of Wisdom and Healing for Brother Taylor. The Trucking business is a real headache sometimes, especially if you are a Minister with empathic feelings for others. I never seem to have enough time, but one day I will.

By the way, I really enjoyed being at the New Orleans Convention Center, and being of some inspiration for the couple from California that was excommunicated from their Church because of her confession of being gay. Their Church should not have excommunicated her for telling the truth while looking for help in her marriage. She married a man that embraced her Love. Love is the key to all healing of the soul, the body, and the mind.

All sickness and Death originated from the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. The Lord of our creation do not want you to be sick and helpless, as you cannot glorify him by remaining this way.

Gather your strength together that you have in your body and pray to our Lord Jesus the Christ, that you will come up out of this Hell. Once again you will be a bright and shining star. Don’t depend on the medicine alone to heal you, but believe in the One God, that all things is under his control and guidance, as well as in the Doctors and Nurses, and your family there >>>> then you will be healed. Our Lord is the true and original healer, the first Doctor of all sickness and afflictions.

Faith is the key to all of God’s blessings. Faith is Hope for things not seen. If you are a believer, go to him in you. If you are not, go to one of his counselors or ministers and they will show you the way. The power is inside you already, you just have to wake it up, that’s all. I will help you with that whenever I see you, since I AM one of his Counselors and Instructors of the way to His heart. You see, He made the human body and he alone knows how to repair it when all else fails. His knowledge is passed down to Mankind to Minister and to Heal His people. My mind is focused on you, my prayers are for you Brother Taylor, you will rise again soon, if not already.

If you have any kind of useless habit, consider quitting them now, such as Smoking, Drinking, Illicit drugs, or other health damaging habits. The body can take a lot of abuse, but not extreme abuse over a period of time. PHIL: 4:5, Let your moderations be known to all mankind, as this makes your habits known, so whenever you go to extremes they will let you know about it, so then you can slow down or stop what you are doing, you see. Man has the Authority and the Right to chastise man, according to Spiritual Law. But some today will harm you if you tell them the truth to their face in admonishments, so be careful when you admonish someone that may be unstable or hateful.

Sometimes the healing can be like a flash (instantaneous), or at other times it may be a slow recovery, but you will recover from your illness. At all times keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Usually when our health gets bad it’s something that we have done to ourselves either consciously or unconsciously to cause this, not God. Therefore if you know what caused the sickness, accept the sickness for what it is, a Disease thing, and cast it out like the Disease it is. You see Biblically speaking, in the old days, they spoke of Demons, the new word is Disease. Demon and Disease is the same thing, same effects, same destruction, these two words live in the same house of horrors and are one. You have to give it a name, then you can cast it out. Jesus called Demons by their names, Doctors today call Diseases by their name, and are identified by it’s signs and symptoms and cured. The original Physician and the modern day Physician are doing the same work, casting out Demons/Diseases. I hope you can smell what the Doctor is cooking? A bit of humor there ;- )

Those that teach that “it is not the will of God to heal, or that sickness glorifies his name, are still going to Doctors, taking drugs, and doing everything to get well. Stop and think, why am I going thru all of this to get well? Well, it is Gods will you see, for you to heal. Can you digit? Peace my Brothers and Sisters.

Note: I was told that Brother Stanly was still sick, but his attitude had changed to a more positive state, and his family and Health Care Givers were there with him, and having a good time with my letter. They found their hope and faith thru him as well, that he would be saved in this world or the other, even if he succumbs to the Disease. He will only be asleep. Christ regards Death of the physical body as being Asleep, because Spiritually you cannot die, according to His and Your Will. Spiritual Law.

The Absence of LOVE is MALICE.

Hello and Greeting.

This is such a sad way for our Government to waste it’s taxpayer’s money. Our Government has warehouses full of useful unused items like Boats, Planes, Military Equipment, Houses, Land, and other miscellaneous brick-a brack. Some of this stuff is forgotten, or lost or stolen, or just plain thrown away and dry rotting in some warehouse with no records that this stuff is there in no-where-land. Extraordinary amounts of money tied up in these worthless projects that are abandoned, and worth billions. Maybe our Government could do a Garage Sale or Sidewalk-sale or something. At least put whatever money they can back into usefulness to help pay down our National Debt. Or apply this cash back to the rightful owners, US, the taxpayers. The U.S.A. is not broken financially. Our hearts and minds are broken, and suffering from a Spiritual Deficit.

(Note: I am not a Democrat or Republican, I hold no Political Affiliation, or Religious Ideology. I am a Theocentric Philosopher that believes in the I AM, period. I am Spiritually free from most entanglements. I am not perfect, but I do feel something special is going on inside myself. I still see beauty in the world. Nuff said. Now back to the subject at hand).

Our wounded and sick Veterans are being abandoned, can’t get proper medical care. Social Security Disability Insurance was supposed end in 2016. Our Social Security Benefits may end in 2024 or sooner. These programs will have to be financially reduced 20% to recipients. Medical Care (Obamacare) for all of us just “can’t get right.” It appears that the existing Presidential cabinet is trying to eliminate Medicaid and pare down Medicare for the seniors.

There is no more middle class. Just the poor and the rich now. All of this happened in the last 8-yrs. or so.
If the country that I love, the good old U. S. A., does not make an “about face turnaround” from the direction that we are going, we wont have a decent country to live in in another 8-years. Take this world seriously folks, your freedoms in all of it’s forms are being shredded today as you read these words. Watch out for the Reaper of souls, because in our world the existence of logic as we know it is being changes to Twisted Logic.

Our Government in and upon itself is gasping and wheezing and strangling itself to death. But “we as a people” is the government, and need to act like it. Stop crying and belly aching, and start doing something positive and creative for yourself and our country. Absorb what is useful and discard the rest of the trash in our heads, put garbage in the garbage can.

It will take extraordinary courage, character, wisdom, the strength of true hearts and minds activating the God Particle inside each and every one of us USA citizens. God is not going to come down and take care of us, at least not yet. We as a people has to build upon the true-force (Godly) already within us to persevere and win back ourselves and thusly our country. LOVE is missing from the Heart and the Mind, and Our Creator has been locked out of our hearts. Without LOVE and VISION mankind will surely perish.

Why? Because the Absence of LOVE is MALICE. When LOVE is missing from the heart, MALICE takes over, therefore MALICE is HATE! MALICE has no positive ending, it destroys all in it’s path. LOVE heals. Only LOVE can save us from Malicious Malcontent Malevolent entities. Simple, just ONE word, on fire inside YOU and ME, can help to save us all. The Chosen Few, can help save this world. The Chosen Few are the ones that choose to save themselves thru Christ, our Savior. Therefore get busy saving yourself, first. Then the healing will start automatically. God don’t need us, we need God. We have plenty of positive decisions to make for these words and deeds to become Real, This is Real Talk.


Conflict of the Personality and the Spirit.

    Conflict of the Personality and the Spirit is the root cause of all sicknesses and dis-ease of the mind, transferred to the physical level, where sickness can be seen. Working on this Cause alone, can help you to remain mentally clear, physically healthy, and wholly stable. You will be able to absorb information thru the five outer senses more clearly and process it better.

The Personality is the mental aspects of an individual, such as traits, behavior, beliefs, and your way of thinking. The Spirit is the vital principal and animating force, the I AM inside the physical body where the soul lives. Our invisible self of the human that contacts the Holy Spirit that is the active force of God, and is believed to be the third person in the Holy trinity.

The conflict is between these two forces, ergo, our will versus God’s will. This conflict is what makes us sick, that Doctors cannot cure. Only God can cure you. The Doctors can only remove the physical and psychological blocks that prevents healing of the body that was brought on by this conflict in the first place. Herein lies the cure for all dis-ease..

After the conflict has been neutralized, you will experience clearer concentration during prayer and meditation, which makes for a purer access to the higher consciousness of the human spirit to act and interact with the higher vibrational frequencies of the HOLY SPIRIT. Prayers will be answered more expediently, due to the easier match-up of the two balanced vibrations that are present at the same time, in the same place.

Along with Faith, you will have a much clearer and better connection of the SILVER CORD from God to mankind. The SILVER CORD is the equivalent to the Umbilical Cord that connects the Mother to the Unborn Child in the womb. One is physical, one is Spiritual. Please, think upon these words of wisdom.

As always, I am not writing to inflame anyone, nor do I need that type of vibrational energy aimed in my direction. I can deflect that Spiritually, if I have to. I know who I am, a vessel, and a child of God. I have something to ascend up to, otherwise my life would be useless. I am inspired to survive this world, then I too will pass on into the invisible realm of spirit.

I just have another method, to convey invisible and immutable truths thru spiritual law. To share in my experience of Higher Consciousness, thru meditational blogs.

To enable you to help yourself to attain higher goals and spiritual awareness via insight and an adventurous exploration within your own mind according to your faith. The real treasure map is there, inside your mind. Lovology is just another point of view, not another contradiction. A different road, with the same objective as my destination point. One day we will all live in the same House. OM

The ONE.

 It only takes ONE to save the world. The ONE is inside of all of us. We are the culmination and original reason for all of this creation. We are not only in the Universe, the Universe is inside of us. Subatomic particles that exist inside of us are being found in Space Dust and on other planets and comets. These selfsame particles are not found on earth. They also disappear when we pass away. Scanning Electron Microscopes can see these particles while we are alive, then they are gone.  US humans are the most unique creatures in the Universe and we in it. We humans carry the GOD seed. That seed comes from nothing and becomes something. It is US. WE are it. That three letter word up there is the simplest common denominator to explain the most complex entity in existence. We have the power as ONE to save the world, but separately we will save nothing. Self discovery is the final frontier. Get to know who you really are.

 Space and Oceanic discovery is nothing compared to the discover of our planet and US. Inner Space is the final frontier.

But, alas and alack, the US will not wake up to this built in powerful inheritance and responsibility, or walk the straight and narrow, or do that which is Right, True, and Lasting. Those three words defines WISDOM. For Lack of Vision mankind will surely fail, thusly we all will fail. The ONE True Creator will have to do this for us.

The thread that connects all of this is found in the books of the world. You just have to digest a lot of right information to be able to see this. All of my writings are based upon real information gleaned for years and years of studying various tomes of the world, and being online for over 30-yrs. Believe and you shall see. Look and you will find. Peace.