Monthly Archives: December 2014

Delta Waves, for Sleep or Meditation.

Does God Exist Beyond the Universe?

I believe so, based on His Word and my actual and mystical experiences, that I have personally witnessed in my life.

Universal Power is wielded by the Spirit, which is Omnipresent (everywhere at once), Omnipotent (all powerful), and Omniscient (all seeing).

God is Spirit, therefore, not tangible and no boundaries. This Spirit exists outside of time and circumstance (This Is Your Answer). I will elaborate further into the realms of vision and creative thought.

God created something from nothing. Example: Sand is all over the beaches and elsewhere, and worth virtually nothing except to be walked on. Sand is Silica, which becomes Silicone, which becomes a chip for your computer’s memory and other creations. Now it is worth a monetary value. At first it was nothing, now it has become something. Man creates something from nothing. We can mimic our own God in reality. Please think below your own skin and beyond your own nose when reading these words of wit. Non prejudice, non bias except my unwavering belief in the fact that I believe in the All and All.

He is also in us, the thing that is called the soul force, or spirit, or energetic anatomy. The YOU permeating from inside the flesh and blood and bone house that is wrapped in skin > the outside wall.

You recognize this energetic force which is the real YOU, when you say “I AM” during a conversation, or right before calling out your own name. But you do not think about this, do you? Your Spirit knows this profound truth at a subatomic level inside your physical house. So you speak into the void of consciousness and unconsciousness. Spirit exists within and beyond these levels into the super-conscious mind.

The Vital Principal and Animating Force that’s believed to exist in all things, animate and inanimate. Decipher those words in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, and you will understand who God really is. This is not everyday sab warfare here my friends, think deep, and explore the mysteries of our GOD.

Metaphysically and Uberactuality, Spiritually and Actually, in the rising and setting of the sun, the moon floating in space, all the planets, and the vastness of all beyondness into infinity, the chirping of the birds, the rain, nature and beyond proclaims his majesty, that this Power exists, from Chaos to Reality, all was created by the One that is not of this world, but can come and does come into it.

The Creator exists outside of his own creation, everyone on earth does this same thing. We mimic that power and don’t even know it or care to give it it’s due respect.

God exists outside of his own creation, then comes back inside of it to explore, fix, heal, and show us love like no other god. We have an inheritance that is beyond the stars. Reach for it.

I hope my writing reaches a few souls struggling to comprehend the All-mighty. All is within your reach. If you believe it you will see it.

Believe that, because I Do. Can you smell what the Doctor is cooking?


My work is wrapped inside of Metaphysics, Pastoral Psychology, Philosophy, Divinity, Holistic Healing, Computer Technology, Private Investigation and Research. I am Non- denominational and Non- religious concerning main-stream religions. I am on a quest to discover the TRUTH and LOVE, and Mindful things of GOD and MANKIND. I have my own burden to bear. To buy knowledge and give it away. I sell nothing, nor do I ask for donations or tithings. I am an Ordained Minister, since 1981. I am trying to reach the CHOSEN FEW, like me. I AM a good person. I AM not perfect. I need Peace and Quiet. I need Sanity and Civility. I pray for myself and others to have eternal Salvation in Christ. Non of these things I crave can exist without LOVE. Do you have LOVE??????