Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Ten Commandments

And God spoke all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God!

The following writings are about the Ten Commandments, and what happens to you, in the laws of man and nature, if you break one of these or all of these laws. These laws are Moral Laws to keep you out of trouble, they are warnings for the mind, placed in your subconscious mind from the superconscious mind, to automatically rise to the conscious levels of your mind, to remind you not to do certain negative things that will get you in trouble. The word “shalt” means “should” in the English language. “Thou Shalt not” is akin to “you should not” in translation.

For the righteous person, these laws are not applicable to you because you believe in the truth, and has given your heart and mind to our Creator. To the unrighteous person, these laws are for you, to learn about how you are to behave accordingly and abide by the law and come under grace. Some consider these laws to be done away with, when Christ died for us. But ladies and gentlemen let me strongly assure you that these laws are as relevant today as they were yesterday. Look around you, and you can see that these laws are being broken, and people are being punished for breaking them in a court of law or moral law. or natural law and etc. Christ is alive and his statutes are still being used by man’s law which originated from God’s law. Don’t believe me? Break one of them and then see what comes next. Even if Heaven and Earth passes away, my word will still stand, says the Lord. The words are his laws, don’t be confused. But they are laws to set you free and keep you free inside yourself, where he lives.

Lovology is a breath of fresh air, or another point of view in Theocentric Philosophy as to how to look at these laws. Not to change the message, but to change the method. An approach from another point of reference. God said “look at this new thing that I do,” which is good. The old becomes new again. This is not a religion here, but a tool for the mind to ponder “what if?”  Open up your mind and cast a wide net into exploratory consciousness.

We shall begin:

  1. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER gods BEFORE ME: Notice that the word god is written with a small “g”. Our God is written with a Capital “G” at all times to show reverence to our highest mind of Spirit. God sits at the top of your heart and mind, inside you. You cannot serve two gods. You will love one and hate the other. It is impossible to serve two. Trying to serve two leads to utter and total confusion inside your mind, since your inner self knows who God is and who the Devil is. Confusion will reign supreme inside your chaotic mind. God did not create confusion, but somebody or something did, inside your mind you already know who is the master of confusion is. The Devil, Beelzebub, Satan, Evil One and etc. Can you digit?
  2. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE: A graven image is an image of things that relate to the grave, as in death or it’s adornments or images. God does not want us dead. So why should we make images of things that are dead. Do we worship the dead? If so then there is no reward for you. Only the living can give you a reward. It’s a waste of time in the Spiritual realms. create something beautiful or wonderful.
  3. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN: Vanity in the Spiritual realms are a waste of time. Vain things do not last long, and are only temporary to the beholder. God is a jealous God. You take away the precious time that you could be using to spend some time with the Spirit. In prayer and meditation you enter into the higher realms of mind and leave behind the lower aspects of mindlessness. Vain things are empty and futile, has no real meaning in life. God is life, and has all the meanings to salvation.
  4. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY AND KEEP IT HOLY: Well here we are. The Sabbath day is the 7th day of the week, which is Saturday. But some worship the Sabbath day as Sunday. Well, from what I think that I know is, somewhere along the line mankind kind of switched days, or changed the calendar. Thusly, Sunday is now the Sabbath to some, but Saturday is the seventh day of the week. The Sabbath Day was set aside so that we too could get some rest from work and toils of our labors, to rest up and replenish our spirit. Also that particular day to set aside for time with God/ your higher mind. To access the higher realms of thought, and show reverence to our Creator. Some use Sunday, some use Saturday. Saturday is the seventh day. The word HOLY means, total and complete. Pure.
  5. HONOUR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER: Today on the earthly plain, you see disrespect from the children toward their parents. These children do not realize that they are subject to the laws as well. Doing dishonor to a parent, which is an elder, is a terrible thing to do. The parent is where your shelter and food and care and love is supposed to come from. Hopefully. The child has not grown into maturity yet, to be able to judge right from wrong and will be punished by the parent and the Legal law. Spiritually this creates a problem for the child into the future. Karma is hell. Love is the healer, disrespect is an illness of the soul. Do not allow yourself to harbor this ill will and disrespect toward your parents, or your days may be shortened on earth. You may have to face the same karma from your own child some day. That’s the Law.
  6. THOU SHALT NOT KILL: When we kill someone, we set off all sorts of horrors with the loved ones of that person, as well as Law Enforcement. There are people connected to that person of possibly, a different race, a cousin, a brother, a sister, a mom, a dad, you name it. You have started a negative action that will probably end with you being incarcerated for life or killed by a vengeful other person that was connected to the victim. Also, if you do not atone for this action to God you will be lost forever. Atonement thru God can save your soul, but not your rear end. Being earthbound you will get what you deserve, accordingly to what you created in your own dark heart. This law is punishable by mankind as well as GOD.
  7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: Committing adultery also creates all sorts of negative problems. You are doing what you should not do according to Spirit and legal law, and moral law. You are not getting away with anything. God sees thru our eyes. Your act will come to the light, doing scurrilous things in the dark will not hide you spiritually, only your physical body will be hidden for a spell, then expelled. You are also interfering with legal and spiritual law in another fashion, you did not keep your word under those precious vows, that you uttered in church. A marriage is a contract under God and Mans law. You have just broken the contract with both entities. You will pay for this error in judgement, or so called mistake. You have ripped love apart. How can you heal without love? Now hate automatically fills the void. You earned that negative reward for your own selfish actions.
  8. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL: When you steal, you break the law, you get punished if caught, and goes to jail, spending all kinds of time behind bars, when you could be doing something positive with your life. You also interfere with the cost of goods. Prices rise to offset the theft, and become more costly to you and your people that you love, and your friends. The owner of those goods are angry and the Law punishes you, you have a record of that ill begotten action that throws a block in front of your pathway in life forever. A thief cannot be trusted around anything that someone wants to keep. You are always being scrutinized by a clean person as to your dirtiness. Your future is a big question mark.
  9. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR: now, the word neighbor spiritually refers to anyone living on earth, not just the ones next door or across the street. Anyone on the planet. we are talking law here that came from spirit and applied to the earthly inhabitants that reside here. We are all neighbors. A false witness is a liar. A liar cannot be trusted. In a court of law you can be punished for lying to the Officer or Judge and etc. A liar cannot be trusted by good truthful people either. You outcast yourself. Possibly you can make others suffer as well by lying. In turn this lying will come back to you as well and cause you additional grief and suffering. God despises a liar. You are held liable for a lie in Heaven and on earth. Everybody that becomes aware of you shuns you, and your life can just bog right down into the ground. We all hold the keys to each others destinies, we have the power to do this under grace. Do the right thing.
  10. THOU SHALT NOT COVET: The word covet means to wish for something in normal terms. But in the Law it means to desire something that does not belong to you. That is also out of your reach legally and morally  Such as another’s spouse, or thing that you desire so bad that you would take dumb risks to get it. Totally reckless abandonment of your senses to have a desire that has gotten out of control, and has evolved into a monster of it own making in you dark mind. It is patently wrong to desire that which is out of your reach, especially if it makes you break spiritual and legal and moral law to get that self same person or thing. Find something that is not bound under law and free to acquire. Do not lose your moral goodness by committing despicable acts of mindlessness. Think about these things. Your Subconscious mind will warn you if you let it.

I hope that the above writings do at least one thing. Stimulate minds to merely think about what they are doing to themselves. Those commandments are suggestions to the superconscious mind to behave itself, to control itself, to take personal responsibility unto itself, so that the spirit and physical body is not subjected to harsh laws and punishments by man’s laws. To keep you free of bondage and all sort of sins (breaking spiritual law) on this earth. If we do right according to law, no one on earth can incriminate you. Break these laws and you automatically comes under judgement of these selfsame laws and cause your own punishment at your own hands. These laws will and must be obeyed or we fall thru the cracks and are lost to our loved ones and to God. These are warnings for the soul. Educate yourself in right things, stay away from wrong things. Evil and hate is going to try to get you anyway, but stand tall and refuse to be taken down a path that has a dark and final ending to your life. Learn the rules and regulations and statues of God and Man to stay free. Read right words that free yourself to be able to know from inside yourself that you are free. No man can free you, but God can. God is your higher spiritual mind. Go there to your own mountain top inside your mind. You are God’s greatest creation, ACT LIKE IT!